The Origins of Peddle
In 2016, amidst the quiet routine of Perth’s nightlife, a new concept began to take shape, inspired by vibrant experiences abroad. How could Perth’s nightlife be revitalised? How could its residents be encouraged to embrace the city’s beauty and engage more openly and authentically with each other?
The answer lay in an innovative idea, inspired by the popularity of rickshaws in various global destinations and other Australian states.
This vision led to the creation of Peddle. Initially acquiring five rickshaws from Newcastle and transporting them across the Nullarbor Plain., this marked the beginning of a new era for Perth’s evening entertainment.
Peddle started modestly, but soon grew into a significant presence in the city.
We’ve had the pleasure of working with brands we’ve always looked up to — like Sunrise, Uber, and Lad Bible — and we’ve trained over 100 fantastic young people to be Perth’s best tour rickshaw riders and tour guides.